A few words about this collection
It's a great pleasure, a fascinating privilege to have these lovely historical creatures in hour time, so many all in one place ... let alone having the chance to work on them and bring them back to life! creatures which have survived in a much fewer number than they were made in that golden age.
From over 3000 pianos made by Conrad Graf, only 100 exist and its even a greater number in comparison to Stein, Walter, Streicher, Seuffert and many other great piano makers of those days. About Schanz half of this amount are survived and from Walter about 1/4th! which makes less than 1% of what he made!
Carlo Arnoldi must have made at least 1000 pianos (the one in this collection is numbered 315) but only 3 of his pianos have come down to us.
So when one comes to calculate these very few surviving original pianos, one feels more respect and appreciation to this gift, that these still exist and are saved from bombs, wars like world war first and second and of course the French revolution which without bombs ruined very many 18th century keyboard instruments which were signs of nobility.
We should take care of them, for they are heritage of our past times and we pass these in the best condition possible to the next generations who will hopefully also appreciate these.
I am happy to announce that this is the only website in this seize of being informative of a fortepiano collection (whether in museums or private collections) including many photos and details of 103 historical keyboard instruments, sharing all possible information available for free with those who love and appreciate early pianos.
There are several fine collections in various places in the world where one hears there are from 5 to 20 or more interesting instruments of this kind but there is no information or photos of them.
Many collectors do not like to share information at all with the rest of the world or at least with those who have enthusiasm or even want to research about them.
Although there are some informative or half informative websites from a very few fortepiano small collections in Germany and England (but not in this seize...) which we should value and appreciate.
Also a very few books or booklets from collections like those of Beuermann or Cobb collection but not on internet...nor museums show interest in sharing information with thousands of enthusiasts.
The purpose of this collection is to inform, motivate and share information monthly with all who appreciate the period pianos of the golden age.
The photos are unmarked and can be used but getting a permission is highly appreciated
The idea is to make this collection available for your visit, concerts and more which just the opposite of what most museums do! DO NOT TOUCH PLEASE of museums becomes to TOUCH PLEASE in Radbon Collection.