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Mozart: 3 selected pieces of the ''Mozartiana'' recording on Naxos label on the Berner Tangentenflügel played by Michael Tsalka.
Haydn: Sonata in E flat Major, Hob XVI: 49, Michael Borgstede - Fortepiano J.Bohack, ca. 1785
Mozart: Sonata K.333 in B flat Major, Michael Borgstede - Fortepiano by J. Bohack, ca. 1785
Haydn: Sonata in E flat Major, Hob XVI: 49, Michael Borgstede - Fortepiano J.Bohack, ca. 1785
Haydn: Sonata in F Major, Hob.XVI:23, Michael Borgstede - Fortepiano J. Bohack, ca. 1785
Aapo Häkkinen plays cpe Bach
on the Tangent piano
Franz Raml plays Dussek and Clementi
on a J.Ball Square piano
Franz Raml plays Lully on a ca.1700
John Player Spinet
Jermaine Sprosse plays J.Ch.F. Bach
on the Krämer Clavichord
Michael Tsalka plays Mozart on the
Bohack Fortepian
Jermaine Sprosse plays cpe Bach
on the Berner Tangent piano
Heidi Tsai plays Duphly on the
Stewart Spinet
Miriam Heuberger plays Beethoven's f minor prelude on an original Fortepiano by Lemme 1796
Miriam Heuberger plays Bach on
an original Fortepiano by Lemme 1796
Richard Fuller plays Mozart
on the Weimes Fortepiano
Johann Bohack Fortepiano ca.1785
Mozart: Ach ich fühl's
Michael Tsalka
Krämer Clavichord
Haydn sonata in g minor
Aapo Häkkinen
Johann Bohack Fortepiano ca.1785
Vanhal (Wanhal)
Michael Tsalka
Neil Steward Spinet
Heidi Tsai
Berner Tangent Piano (Tangentenflügel)
František Josef Dusík
Capriccio in c minor
Mikayel Balyan
Berner Tangent Piano (Tangentenflügel)
Mozart Fantasia in c minor
Mikayel Balyan
Maucher Pantalon ca.1780
C.P. E. Bach
Michael Tsalka
(World prepiere Video of a Pantalon)
Maucher Pantalon ca.1780
Michael Tsalka
Weimes Fortepiano 1803
Michael Tsalka
Miriam Heuberger plays
Beethoven & Schubert
on Heichele ca.1823 Fortepiano
Miriam Heuberger plays Haydn
on a Broadwood Square piano 1791
Berner Tangentenflügel
(Tangent Piano) late 18th century
Michael Tsalka
Müller Fortepiano ca.1805
Christoph Hammer
Weimes Fortepiano 1808
E.T.A Hoffman
Rühl- Mields-Kobow
Guante Square piano ca.1800
Michael Tsalka
Krämer brothers Clavichord ca.1808
Michael Tsalka
Attr. Iberian Clavichord ca.1780
Michael Tsalka
Neil Stewart Spinet ca.1770
Michael Tsalka
Italian 17th century Harpsichord
Michael Tsalka
Weimes Fortepiano 1808
Rühl- Mields-Kobow
Miriam Heuberger plays Haydn
on a Broderip & Wilkinson
Square piano ca.1800
Rebecca Raimondi (violin) and Alessandro Viale (piano) perform Sonata in D major by F. Ries and Beethoven's well known Spring Sonata on a Broadwood square piano 1814 restored by Pooya Radbon
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