Historical Keyboard instruments available for concerts and recordings
Radbon Fortepiano Collection offers you a wide range of fortepianos, clavichords and harpsichords from the period.
At the moment the following instruments are in playing condition :
- Italian Harpsichord (probably Venice)
decorated around 1760 in France
Compass : C/E-c'''
2 x 8'
- Iberian Clavichord ca.1760-1790
Compass : C-f'''
Triple fretted
- Krämer Brothers Clavichord
Compass : FF-a'''
+4' in the bass
- Steward Spinet Edinburgh ca.1765-75
B.Shudi is one of the 4 probable makers
of this Spinet
Compass GG-f'''
- Tangent Piano (Tangentenflügel)
late 18th century
Johann Ludwig Berner in Hamburg
(Schmahl's Craftsman from
Regensburg workshop)
Compass : FF-f'''
3 Kneelevers for Moderator,
dampers lift and Una chorda
1 Hand stop for the Harp sound
- Pantalon by Maucher in Konstanz
Compass FF-f'''
No dampers, 2 hand stops for :
Piano-stop (Moderator) and Harp stop
only from the bass to the middle c.
- Johann Bohack ca.1785 Viennese
Kneelever for dampers lift
Handstop for the moderator
This piano is the only available Viennese
Fortepiano worldwide that has the most
things in common with Mozart's Walter
piano in Mozarteum Salzburg! its design
and several details (like the double
bentside, tuning pin positions,
moderator handstopetc.)
- Weimes Fortepiano 1803 Prague
(typical Viennese ca.1790 style)
Compass : F-g'''
Viennese action with single back-check
Moderator and Dampers lift
- Gottfried Malleck in Wien
Square piano ca.1790-1800
Viennese action with quasi back-check
Compass : FF-f'''
Hand stop for harp
Kneelever for dampers lift
- Melchior Guante in Münster
ca.1795-1800 Square piano
Stein Prellmechanik with under dampers
Compass FF-c''''
2 kneelevers for dampers lift and harp
- Christian Baumann in Zweibrücken
ca.1785 Square piano
3 hand stops : 2 for divided dampers and
1 for the lute stop
- Matthias Müller in Wien
ca.1805 Grand piano
3 kneelevers for :
Dampers lift, moderator, bassoon
- Pleyel grand piano 1835
Compass : CC-f''''
2 pedals for una chorda and dampers