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We would like to offer you a very special and truly unique instrument by the british Harpsichord maker Trevor Bckerleg for sale. He was gay and enthusiastically made this exquisit instrument to reflect his feelings as an artist.
Here are some details about the instrument:

The harpsichord has a historical construction, except for tuning pins and decoration. It does not need to be restringed or renovated.
The instrument is in perfect playable condition.
Each two-manual harpsichord has four Registers, the keyboards are beautifully crafted based on original instruments (as the rest of the instrument) and both harpsichords have a pleasant touch and a very beautiful sound.
But what makes this instrument even more rare and impressive is the painting and decoration with all the male figures here and there and the funny soundboard painting, especially with the provocative (for back then ''1983'' in Bruges Festival exhibited) painting of 69 gay men with even Penis shown which according to many visitors had to be covered during the exhibition!
Today it is no longer needed to be covered and can be shown in many concerts e.g. in Pride month etc. Some interesting comments from Facebook can be seen as the attachment...

It is the only double-harpsichord (vis a vis) or face-to-face harpsichord worldwide, called 69 by the maker.
It was exceptionally made well!
It is the only harpsichord throughout the history with a painting that displays gay-love. All other harpsichords were painted with landscapes or religious subjects or at least with ornaments.
I am at your disposal for further information. Delivery to UK can be arranged without any problem since we ship early keyboards oversease.
Here news about his tragic death!


World's most controversial Harpsichord! vis a vis Harpsichord by T.Beckerleg

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