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Do you have an old piano for sale? you can write us here.
J’achète votre piano ancien!
Sono interessato ad acquistare antichi strumenti a tastiera, anche non più funzionanti o incompleti: pianoforte d'epoca, fortepiano, spinetta, virginale, cembalo, clavicordo.
Haben Sie ein Cembalo, Spinett, Tafelklavier oder ein altes Klavier zu verkaufen? bitte uns einfach kontaktieren.
Impressum / Angaben gemäß §5 TMG
Fortepiano Museum
Pooya Radbon
Rheinvogtstr. 19
79713 Bad Säckingen / Wallbach
(30 minutes with train or car from Basel)
You can contact me preferably via the contact form above by sending a message through the website or use this email please :
Please contact Pooya Radbon by writing a message in this form :

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